5 Reasons Why Labradoodles Can Be Easy to Train

5 Reasons Why Labradoodles are Easy to Train

There are a few common traits that easy to train dogs have in common. When searching for a service, therapy, or all-around happy family companion, we want to be able to teach new behaviors easily and quickly and have our dog retain the information for the next time we need it. The top breeds for working ability, including the Labradoodle, genetically inherit an array of traits which make them easy to train.


Their High Drive for Food

All puppies begin their life based on survival. If they do not eat, they do not survive. Food becomes the driving factor for the puppy to move, bond, fight, and thrive. This basic exchange transfers from mom and pup, to human and pup usually around the eight-week mark when the puppy is completely reliant on their human to provide all their caloric needs. Start training your puppy as soon as it comes home. Labradoodles have a high drive for food, meaning they will do just about anything if they believe there is one more piece of food left for them. It is an amazing advantage to have a puppy that will eat under high stress and high distraction scenarios as you can keep their focus, build confidence in new situations, and encourage your pup to try things they wouldn’t under normal circumstances. Training a labradoodle pup for basic obedience or high-level service work is made a lot easier by their hunger for life.

They come from Breeds with High Intelligence 

Finding ways to measure intelligence in dogs has involved creative tests. How quickly do they learn new tasks? Do they remember the names of toys and people they meet? Can they figure out how to solve a complex set of steps in a puzzle? How long do they retain the information they have learned? Dogs bred to perform a job, like the Labradoodle parents, measure high on these intelligence tests and pass along the same abilities to their puppies. Teaching the basic sit, down, stay and come can be accomplished with less repetition and stress, but keep in mind, consistency from you is the key to harnessing your puppy’s natural gifts and using them for your benefit. 

Their Social Personality 

Temperaments can vary among any breed but outgoing and friendly is the best way to explain the Labradoodle. Take the happy go lucky Labrador and the sweet and affectionate poodle, you have the best of both worlds. Their life is about pleasing their human and spending time together exploring the world. Expect that your pup is going to want to go everywhere with you and be involved in all you do, which is made much easier because of the social nature. Most Labradoodle pups get along well with other dogs and children, being thoughtful that all interactions should be supervised. 

All the Energy = All the Fun 

With all the intelligence, the food drive, and the willingness to be with you, your puppy still needs the stamina to keep trying to get it right. There is no giving up when it comes to your Labradoodle. Born with the energy to be a superstar at agility, dock diving, swimming, retrieving, or running partner, there is no end to the fun you can have with your puppy. This active breed will give one hundred percent of themselves to learn new and challenging tricks and games and expects that you are willing to give the same. 

Confidence is Key 

Labradoodles are curious and excited to interact with their surroundings. They will climb up and over, under and around, through their world using their nose as a guide. Whether it’s meeting new people, neighborhood dogs, or something new in their environment, nothing will stay a stranger for long. When training a pup like this, it may seem that they are highly distracted as they search for clues and information, but it is important that your pup has positive interactions to continue to build confidence.