Our Girl- Mary
Registered Name:
Elarida Szczesliwy Slon
Date of Birth:
September 3, 2018
AKC #:

Health Information
Hips: BVA 2:2(Excellent)
Elbows: BVA 0:0 (Perfect)
Eyes: CERF/OFA Cleared (BMD-EYE2698/15F-VPI)
Heart: OFA Normal (BMD-CA5264/15F/P-VPI)
Von Willebrand: Normal/Clear (Pawprints 156339)
Degenerative Myelopathy: Normal/Clear (Pawprints 156339)
Degenerative Myelopathy (Bernese): Normal/Clear (Pawprints 156339)
Country of Origin: Poland
Weight: 78 lbs
Height: 24 inches
About Mary
Mary is one of the healthiest Bernese Mountain Dogs we have ever owned. She was imported with generations of health clearances and show champions. She scored BVA 2:2 which is the lowest hip scores of any Bernese Mountain Dog we own except for her brother Lazarus which also has a 2:2 hip score. It’s no surprise since she comes with generations of perfect health clearances. In addition to Mary’s perfect health clearances, she is absolutely stunning and sweet. She is a very confident Bernese and not skittish which is common for Bernese. She’s very well mannered and a happy adult. She’s not high energy or hyper. She’s perfectly balanced in her energy. She absolutely incredible looking and has the a beautiful blocky head and shiny coat. She weighs 78 lbs and has been DNA profiled by the AKC and is dual registered with Polish Kennel Club and the AKC.
Mary’s Pedigree

Pictures of Mary
Beautiful new litters available now!
If you have any further questions that are not answered on our site, we’d love to hear from you! Please email us at info@trainedbernes.com or give us a call at 980-223-2779 with any questions you might have.